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Grolsch Radler 0.0%

Proef karakter

Echte webcare

Agency: Goud Uberconnected

Role: Art Direction - Production

Whenever Grolsch would launch an alcohol-free (or low on alcohol) beer, they would always get the same negative comments on Facebook. So when Grolsch planned to launch their next alcohol-free beer, we thought of a way to beat the negativity.

The word ‘Real (Echt)’ was emphasized during the campaign to communicate it was real beer and not some fruit juice that tasted weird. So we created: "The real web care agent". We thought of several comebacks turning negativity into laughter. We filmed short responses that the web care team could reply to after negative comments.


After launch, the media picked it up, and soon enough, people just commented to check out what kind of response they would get.

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